Q.: "Does the Jehovah's Witnesses religoius [sic] cult create people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder ?
A.: Yes, I believe it can. I have known many who meet the definition, and I myself was at risk before I perfected my humility.
the american psychiatry association lists nine symptoms – if someone ticks five of these, they could have narcissistic personality disorder.
the nine points of narcissism.
has a grandiose sense of self-importance.. is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love.. believes that he or she is ‘special’ and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people.. requires excessive admiration.. has a sense of entitlement.. is inter-personally exploitative (takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends).. lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others.. is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her.. shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes.. .
Q.: "Does the Jehovah's Witnesses religoius [sic] cult create people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder ?
A.: Yes, I believe it can. I have known many who meet the definition, and I myself was at risk before I perfected my humility.
hi everyone i don't even know where to begin.
i recently saw leah remini's series on scientology thanks to my husband (semi-active jw) and i felt like my eyes were being opened for the 1st time in my adult life.
i felt shaken almost sick to my stomach with each episode i watched.
"Ring the bells (ring the bells) that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything (there is a crack in everything)
That's how the light gets in"
-- from Leonard Cohen "ANTHEM"
The odd feeling is called 'cognitive dissonance.' What you're experiencing are growing pains. You'll find friends here, and chances are that you'll be fine.
i know some has been posted about leah remini and her split from scientology.
i just wanted to add after finishing it last night, it is a must watch for questioning jws...every episode has familiar situations and parallels that will make jws really think (or squirm).
watch it with someone you want to wake up!!!!
ab.ortega asked, "is it available on Hulu?"
I have no idea, why don't YOU LOOK?
this "world event" is a few years away but i'm in the field so i work everyday to prepare for it.. our technology is advancing at an exponential rate.
shit will hit the fan because of it.. even as a jw i knew this was coming.
in fact, i thought that's what the bible was talking about.
IveBeenBitten said, "I don't know what I'm getting at with this topic."
I agree!
i thought i would start a new post about trumps inaugural address.
has anyone here seen "the new pope"?
jude law gave a stirring performance playing the pope.
I'm a fan of dumbasses, Azor, thus a BIG fan of YOU!
Tell me again about how easily I fooled you.
i heard in years past that there was such a tract planned for the great tribulation.
my father at the time denied this, and reasoned that that would not be a loving thing for them to do, to essentially say, "told ya so!".
last year, the bunker videos had brother brown mention "a message of judgment".. has such material been drafted or is this just another bluff?.
Schnell asked, "...Has such material been drafted or is this just another bluff?"
I was associated with JWs in NYC between approximately 1957-1977 or so. The days of my "yoot."
The Overseer of the Sunnyside congregation in Queens was Howard Zenke who worked the Service Desk in Bethel, if memory serves. The Middle Village congregation shared the Kingdom Hall with Sunnyside. The Overseer of Middle Village was Mike Smilnak, also a Bethelite. Both congregations had LOADS of Bethelites in various positions, and a handful of local, non-Bethelite family men who were elders and servants.
Having been there through the "1975 build-up" I can ASSURE you that while this "message of judgement" was a common JW fantasy, there was never any actual draft of such a message. This is similar to the way JWs yearned for the "big house on the hill" but never actually moved into it because REALITY kept getting in the way -- the world refused to die.
In my opinion, the "End of Blah-Blah-Blah" tracts don't count: NONE of those were "See, I told ya so!" messages.
The "End of Blah-Blah-Blah" tracts were like an evolution of the assembly "resolutions" of the early to mid 20th century; insignificant to both the (non-existent) "spiritual" and secular worlds.
"I'll bring hawaj for the coffee..."
i thought i would start a new post about trumps inaugural address.
has anyone here seen "the new pope"?
jude law gave a stirring performance playing the pope.
Oh, you really taught me a lesson, didn't you?
i thought i would start a new post about trumps inaugural address.
has anyone here seen "the new pope"?
jude law gave a stirring performance playing the pope.
Shhh... you'll wake 'im.
i've always wondered about this.
when a person believes they made a spiritual connection with god and proclaims themselves as anointed, how do they determine whether this person is anointed or not.
does a group of elders look at the person's spiritual resume and check off the person's pioneer stats, bible knowledge, attendance, work ethic, personality, etc and then believe in the person if they have a good track record?
...as above, so below; as before, so beyond.